Personal Security - security :: comfort :: confidence

Who are we

We are young and vigorous team, who take the proffesion not only as means of subsistense but as a vocation. We are clear about that the right reactions in a dengerous situation depend mostly of the proffesionalism and personal skills of the guards not of their number. Therefore we strive for having enough time to train and shoot. We work on special methods for incerasing the rate of reactions and expanding the range of the peripheral vision, which have a crucial meaning. During the years we have gained theorethical and practical experience in ensuring safe corridors for moving. We also know that the psychological compatibility between the person, who we protect and us, is important but we do not allow to ourselves to shorten a distance. All that we strive for achieving proffesionalism, which we offer in service of our clients.

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Work time

work day 1 work day 2 work day 3 work day 4 work day 5 work day 6 work day 7 work day 8 work day 9 work day 10 work day 11 work day 12 work day 13 work day 14 work day 15 work day 16 work day 17 work day 18 work day 19

Training time

training demonstration 1 training demonstration 2 training day 1 training day 2 training day 3 training day 4 training day 5 training day 6 training day 7 training day 8 training day 9 training day 10 training day 11 training day 12 training day 13 training day 14 training day 15 training day 16 training day 17 training day 18 training day 19 training day 20